Wednesday 29 February 2012


After more than a decade of experimenting with food, years of deliberating over an idea and months of planning, I am excited to introduce to you, BABA'S WIFE, home-based food catering service offering a small menu of not-so-commonly-available Malaysian food in Melbourne. 

When choosing the business slogan, I shortlisted these three: 
1. Finger Licking Good (unfortunately it's been copyrighted by my favourite fast food company)
2. Like to eat; Have to cook (that's how I started experimenting with food - though it's more suitable as a title for a cookbook)
3. "Chiak!" (a hokkien word for "eat". I'm not a Hokkien, but I say AND do this often throughout the day)

I decided to adopt the slogan "Beh lai chiak" for our business ('Our' would indicate there is more than one person in this business - I'll come to that next). In Hokkien, this means "Buy to eat" - a common lifestyle habit for time-poor foodies. 

In this first blog, I want to pay a special tribute to my family and friends. My Mummy taught me to cook my first bowl of Maggi Mee. She coached me through preparing for the SRP level Domestic Science exam. My Papa and brother ate almost 20 meals of the nasi kunyit and rendang attempts. And yes, I got that 'A'. My friends, who have encouraged my cooking hobby by complimenting my efforts and courage to experiment, sharing their cooking tips and recommending cooking toys. My husband, the Baba, for enduring the sometimes unpalatable mishaps. 

Thank you. BABA'S WIFE is our business because I have always had all of your support.

Not-quite-fortune-cookie quote of the day:
"Tomatoes and oregano make it Italian; wine and tarragon make it French. Sour cream makes it Russian; lemon and cinnamon make it Greek. Soy sauce makes it Chinese, garlic makes it good." 

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